Hoque, M. Aminul(University of Rajshahi, 1997-08-17)
Prime objective of this study was to establish an effecient method for mass
production of propagules of diploid, triploid and tetraploid kakrol (Momordica dioica
Roxb.). The induction of somaclonal variation and reproductive ...
Debnath, Kanta(University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, 2019)
RTE food has become an important public health issue and a great concern to everybody. This is due to widespread food borne diseases, due to the mushrooming of wayside food vendors who lack an adequate understanding of the ...
Mohammad, Khandker Din(University of Rajshahi, 2002)
In order to develop disease free potato seeds in vitro culture was established using meristems of potato cultivar, Diamant. Meristems were isolated from 25-30 days old field grown plants and cultured onto filter paper ...
Hossain, Md. Showkat(University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, 2019)
Twenty farms in Rajshahi Metropolis, Bangladesh were surveyed from January 2013
to December 2013 to assess the sanitation and hygiene quality of the poultry farms.
The study results revealed the maximum disease incidence ...
Rani, Rony(University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, 2021)
Taxonomic diversity of angiosperms in Rajshahi region, Bangladesh was carried through
from November 2015 to October 2020. Spacious floristic surveys of angiosperms and
collection have been made throughout the area of ...
Genotype- Environment Interaction of some agrenomical Characters including yield of eight inbred lines and some segregating generations of Rice ( Oryza Sativa L. )was studies. The inbred lines consisted of three local and ...
Roksana, Mst. Rubayat(University of Rajshahi, 2007)
Different aspects of micropropagation through meristem culture for the production of virus free plants, callus induction, somatic embryogenesis followed by subsequent plant regeneration, in vitro bulblet formation and field ...
Pramanik, Md. Ashraful Islam(University of Rajshahi, 2004)
The present civilization is the gift of science. It is the supreme cause of development all over the world. So, it goes without having that only science can make Bangladesh in to a developed country indeed. Bangladesh has ...
In an attempt to develop seedless Momordica dioica Roxb., diploid, triploid
and tetraploid genotypes having chromosome numbers 2n=28, 3n=42 and 4n=56
respectively were treated with aqueous colchicine solution of ...
Chowdhury, Abdullah Harun(University of Rajshahi, 1999)
The physico-chemical conditions of industrial effluents and their effocts on the water quality,
aquatic biota and macrovegetation at three different sampling spots in Rajshahi have been studied
during the month of ...
The potential of anther culture response of four
commercial barley cultivars: Abbey, Dallas, Bianka and
Decado was investigated on maltose and sucrose-based
media. Although there was difference in response among
the ...
In modern agriculture, only about 160 plants are extensively cultivated. Many
of these are reaching the limits of their improvement by traditional methods. Thus
one can no longer expect the gains generated by the green ...
Khatun, Sayeda Mahfuja(University of Rajshahi, 2008)
Drought is one of the majors constrains to the productivity of rice in many parts of the world, particularly in South and South East Asia. Among the natural disaster drought is a common phenomenon in different cropping ...
Chowdhury, Abdullah Harun(University of Rajshahi, 2002)
The impact of water pollution on the ecology and biology of Utricularia L. have been studied in
Rajshahi from July 1999 to June 2001. During the period of study 24 physico-chemical parameter of water
and measurements of ...
The physico-chemical and biological conditions of three different sampling spots
have been studied fortnightly from the month of November, 1998 to December
1999. Sampling spot one (SP-1) was situated on the northern side ...
Hossain, Md. Mozaffar(University of Rajshahi, 2000)
Onion (Allium cepa L.) is an important and widely used spice of Bangladesh. It is also
used as vegetable all over the world. In Bangladesh, the greater districts of Faridpur, Pabna,
Rajshahi, Dinajpur, Jessore, Dhaka and ...
The high Barind tract and some adjacent area were investigated with
respec'rto the herbaceous flora and some physico-chemical conditions. The study
area was divided into 3 study sites A, B and C. Monthly sampling trips ...
The present study was carried out under three separate investigation in three parts. Part-I includes somatic karyotype, heterochromatin distribution and chromosome differentiation, and chromosome association and chiasma ...
Chowdhury, Mrs.Debashri(University of Rajshahi, 1994)
From his early outstanding work on the genetic analysisof mutations induced by X-rays, Stadler (1932, 1954) stated that all the so-called point mutations were actually minutechromosomal aberrations. Sparrow et al. (1961) ...
Nine agronomic characters viz., plant height, effective tillers per plant, panicle length, flag leaf length, flag leaf
breadth, flag leaf area, primary branches per panicle, grains per panicle and grain yield per plant ...