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Indigenous Knowledge for Aquatic Resource Management in Coastal Bangladesh: A Study of Two Villages in Satkhira District

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dc.contributor.advisor Islam, M. Zulfiquar Ali Khan, Azizul Hoque 2022-05-26T10:23:11Z 2022-05-26T10:23:11Z 2009
dc.description This thesis is Submitted to the Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS) , University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh for The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) en_US
dc.description.abstract This study Indigenous Knowledge for Aquatic Resource Management in Coastal Bangladesh: A Study of Two Villages in Satkhira District has been done in the south western coastal area of Bangladesh. This study has encompassed an extensive research conducted in two Satkhira villages- Munshiganj and Buri goalini. The study examines how the coastal people utilize IK with the changing environment induced by the shrimp and crab culture and focuses on indigenous knowledge and aspects of the impact on coastal society, economy and environment. To attain the objectives of the study both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed. Survey, FGD, Case study and Observation methods were applied for gathering primary data. These methods were applied for coming in direct contacts with the people and to come face to face with the realities of shrimp and crab aquaculture. At the beginning, it describes the location and ecological setting of the study villages with a special attention to environment changing pattern of this coastal region. This description has been followed by the socio-demographic milieu of the study villages. At the micro level, the study attempts to find out the IK or traditional knowledge of shrimp and crab culture. People of the villages usually practice the aquaculture in the traditional way. In some cases, some of them also practice formal or scientific knowledge to culture shrimp and crab in the coastal area. So, there is collaboration between IK and ScK for coastal shrimp and crab management. There is a role of women for using IK in shrimp and crab aquaculture. But they are not conscious of the effect of their traditional knowledge of aquaculture on coastal environment and biodiversity. From this research, it has been seen that by aquaculture the salinization of soil and water has been increased. So, traditional agriculture nearly abolished and new crop pattern is introduced in the coastal area. In adapting to the changing environment the coastal people are surrounded with many problems. These problems are caused by their socioeconomic scarcity. In confronting with such problems, they were impelled to sell out their properties and procure loan with interest from the rich neighbors and usurers. Traditional shrimp and crab farming deteriorate the economic conditions of the small and marginal farmers. It largely reduced traditional agriculture in the south western coastal region of Bangladesh. The attractive shrimp and crab farming changed the land use pattern. This conversion sometimes induced environmental degradation and social unrest and may not deliver sustainable benefits to the poor farmers and small landholders. Traditional shrimp and crab aquaculture gradually changes the nature and environmental pattern of the area. Due to unplanned and unscientific knowledge of shrimp and crab aquaculture is liable for this kind of degradation of the socioeconomic environment of the area. This type of aquaculture is diminishing coastal resources which have resulted in conflicts among local people. It cut off traditional dry season activities such as grazing cattle and home gardening. It causes damage of traditional crop and livestock husbandry, household vegetation, loss of common property rights. The rich and large land holders shifted their land from traditional farming to shrimp and crab aquaculture easily. They are culturing the shrimp and crab in a planned way. They are using both IK and ScK for shrimp and crab aquaculture in the area. They can afford modern scientific instruments and methods for better harvesting and more profit. Moreover, they have available land, capital and social power. On the other hand, the poor and middle class farmers are bound to lease out their land to the large land holders. Shrimp and crab aquaculture is a potential source of foreign currency which faces crisis due to severe attacks of white spot syndrome virus. Traditional techniques and knowledge create new problems for the shrimp and crab aquaculture in the area day by day. So, IK for aquatic resource management is not sustainable in the coastal area of Bangladesh. To maintain safety and quality standard set by the international buyers, it is needed to apply planned, scientific knowledge and IK simultaneously for shrimp and crab aquatic resource management in coastal Bangladesh. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Rajshahi en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries ;D3118
dc.subject Aquatic Resource Management en_US
dc.subject Coastal Bangladesh en_US
dc.subject Satkhira District en_US
dc.subject IBS en_US
dc.title Indigenous Knowledge for Aquatic Resource Management in Coastal Bangladesh: A Study of Two Villages in Satkhira District en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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