The present study is on the impact of poverty alleviation programs on
environment, a study of Jessore district in Bangladesh. The study is mainly
analytical. The researcher has tried to investigate and observe the impact of
poverty alleviation programs particularly micro-credit, non-formal primary
education and sericulture program. The main objectives of the NGOs in
Bangladesh arc to work in general poverty alleviation, women's empowennent
and environmental development. Poverty alleviation and women's
c111powcr111cnt arc related to c11viro11111c11t. lJuc to conducting these poverty
alleviation programs environment is inlluence<l in every phase of the work.
These effects may he short f erm, long term, <iI-sitc, on-site, positive and
11eg,ative. significant, insignificant or moderate. All physical and social
enviro11111c11t developmental activities use and interact with diverse natural
resources and components of the environment. Those programs are fonnulated
and assessed according to technical, economical and political criteria without
adequate attention to environmental and social impact have resulted in
unlc.m;si.:en harmli.il consequencc\oniciating desired benefits and sustainability
of the programs.
The 1m~jor effects and impacts of poverty alleviation programs have been
identi lied and classi lied into few general categories- social impact, socioeconomic
impact. physico-chemical impact. health impact, ecological impact
and so on.
It has been observed in this study that poverty alleviation programs. 1111crocrcd
it. non form a I primary education and scricu lturc have many sign i Ii cant
positive impact on environment though a lew adverse impact have been
identified. Impact is generally identified and predicted on the basis of living
stand indicators such as loud intake, calorie intake, nutrient intake, clothing,
housing, llledi ca l fa cil ities, waler and sanitation system, education, land and
non-land asset accumulation etc. Economic impacts have been identified in the
study by examining the effect of poverty alleviation programs on employment
opportunities, monthly income and expenditure and, above all, social
cmpowennent of' women. In most or the cases significant impacts have been
identified. Insignificant and negative impacts have also been identified for a
few irnli cnlors.
For assessing purpose resenrcher hns classified the impnct of education in three
categories - social impact, economic impact and health impact. In the case of
hea lth seeking behavior, reproductive health, nsset accumulation, income
increasing, employment opportunities, change of attitudes and life skill
knowledge, positive impacts have been identified. The research reveals that
education plays n catalytic role in socio-physical environment development.
The major findings of the study on sericulture program have been categorized
under health ef"fcct, socio-economic i111pact and environmental assessment.
Elllployccs of different sections suffer from various health problems. These can
be causc<l by direct or indirect exposure to environmental pollution and
cu11talllinatio11. The most important concerns for environmental and public
health issues are the di sposal or polluted waler and solid waste. The overall
result or the study indicates that despite having some health and environmental
problems many socio-economic benefits are achieved from poverty alleviation
This Thesis is submitted to The Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS), University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh for The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)