PhD Thesis: Recent submissions

  • Mondal, Asit Kumar (University of Rajshahi, 1993)
    The main contents of this thesis may be briefly summarized as follows: Chapter 1 contains a brief account of the Plebonski space­time . We specify there the various spacial class of spacetimes covered by the Plebanski ...
  • Sultana, Quazi Selina (University of Rajshahi, 2004)
    The thesis is an exposition of use of Fox derivatives for solution of topological and group theoretic problems. Our own contribution is in the latter area. Developed by Fox, free differential calculus emerged as a powerful ...
  • Islam, A. K. M. Sirajul (University of Rajshahi, 1998)
    This thesis studies the nature of a sectionally pseudocomplemented distributive nearlattice. By a nearlattice S we will always mean a meet semilattice together with the property th9.t any two elements possessing a common ...
  • Hossain, Mohd. Altab (University of Rajshahi, 2006)
    Classification is a deep and fundamental problem in every branch of Mathematics. Although an uphill task, this target has been achieved in a number of cases in different fields. In general, the strategy for this grand ...
  • Dey, Kalyan Kumar (University of Rajshahi, 2006)
    In many branches of Mathematics, a strategy for study of the mathematical entities is to view them as being made up of simpler entities in one or more ways. The task is then divided into two parts: (i) identifying and ...
  • Raihan, Md. Sazuwar (University of Rajshahi, 2006)
    This thesis studies some of the nature of Principal n-ideal of a distributive near lattice. The n-ideals of a lattice have been studied by several authors including [4] and [36]. For a fixed element n of a lattice L, a ...
  • Alam, Md. Shamsul (University of Rajshahi, 2000)
    In most treatments or nonlinear oscillations hy perturbation method. only periodic oscillations are treated; transients are not considered. Krylov and Bogoliubov have used a perturbation method to discuss transients in the ...
  • Rahman, Md. Mizanur (University of Rajshahi, 2006)
    The thesis studies extensively the nature of finitely generated n-ideals of a near lattice. Many authors including [1], [34] and [35] have studied about n-ideals of a lattice. A convex sublattice containing a fixed element ...
  • Biswas, Md.Elias Uddin (1997)
    This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter I contains a brief discussion of the production of various topological defects in cosmological phase transitions in the early universe. The three kinds of topological defects ...
  • Paul, Gour Chandra (University of Rajshahi, 2005)
    In this thesis we have investigated some aspects of the protoplanetary theory of planetary formation, namely, the structure of a protoplanet, sedimentation of heavy elements in a protoplanet, and the effect of mass loss ...
  • Rahman, Md.Bazlar (University of Rajshahi, 1994)
    This thesis studies the nature of distributive nearlattices. By a nearlattice S we will always mean a (lower) semilattice which· has the property that any two elements possessing a common upper bound,have a supremum, Cornish ...
  • Akbar, Md. Ali (University of Rajshahi, 2005)
    Most of the perturbation methods are developed to find periodic solutions of nonlinear systems; transients are not considered. First Krylov and BogoLiubov introduced a perturbation method to discuss the transients in the ...
  • Hossain, Md. Ismail (University of Rajshahi, 2012)
    After a short review of spacetime singularities, blackholes, we introduce one with the laws of blackhole mechanics and the laws of ordinary thermodynamics. We discuss the remarkable analogy between the laws of blackhole ...
  • SULTANA, KAUSARI (University of Rajshahi, 2014)
    We study quantum mechanical aspect of black holes. We give a brief re view of black hole radiation which is commonly called Hawking radiation. So far several different methods have been employed to investigate this radiation ...
  • Roshid, Harun-Or- (University of Rajshahi, 2013)
    Almost all perturbation methods are developed to find periodic solutions of nonlinear system where transients are not considered. First Krylov and Bogoliubov introduced a perturbation method which is well known as “asymptotic ...
  • Hossain, Md. Jakir (University of Rajshahi, 2016)
    We investigate the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy from different types of non-rotating black holes in de Sitter and Anti-de Sitter spaces by using the energy quantization mechanism in analogy with Bohr’s atomic model. We ...
  • Das, Swapan Kumar (University of Rajshahi, 2014)
    A topological space is a non-empty set X together with a collection T of subsets of X satisfying the conditions: (i) X, T, (ii) the union of any class of sets in T belongs to T, (iii) The intersection ...
  • Rahman, M. Monsur (University of Rajshahi, 2004)
    In this thesis hydromagnetic stabilities with respect to both axisymmetric and non­axisymmetric perturbations of an incompressible perfectly conducting viscous fluid in presence of a magnetic field has been investigated. ...
  • Azad, Md. Abul Kalam (University of Rajshahi, 2004)
    The theory of turbulent motion has received considerable attention in recent developments of high-speed jet aircraft, plasma physics and chemical engineering. The formation of a turbulent boundary layer is one of the most ...
  • Uddin, Md. Sharif (University of Rajshahi, 2010)
    We first present a brief ideas and principles in "Fluid Mechanics" which may serve as the background materials of viscous, incompressible laminar Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluid flow problems considered in the present ...

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